Students can install and use ArcGIS Pro free of charge on UF owned or personally owned computers as long as it is for class purposes only (for Grant Funded work students should follow “Faculty or Staff” instructions).
Windows software can be found here (got a Mac, click here). Downloads must be done from a UF network, consider VPN if you are off campus. To authorize ArcGIS Pro, Login using the Enterprise Login option, and “ufl” as the url, see these instructions for more details.
You can also access ArcGIS Pro via UFApps, which could be your key to success. Make sure you consult with your department’s GIS professor to get some tips on how to use M and R Drives through UFApps.
Faculty or Staff
Faculty or staff can install and use ArcGIS Pro on UF owned or personally owned computers. If the software is for instructional purposes only, there is no fee. If software is being used for Grant funded work you need to contribute to the cost of the Esri Site License. For more information on cost, see our FAQs. Please reach out to your point of contact for GIS in your campus unit to find out if your unit has any licenses available. If you are not sure who this person is please contact GeoPlan.
Windows software can be found here (got a Mac, click here). Downloads must be done from a UF network, consider VPN if you are off campus. To authorize ArcGIS Pro, Login using the Enterprise Login option, and “ufl” as the url, see these instructions for more details.