ArcGIS Pro
Confirm you are using single sign-on for login, use these instructions.
If the above login method doesn’t fix your problem, continue on to these instructions:
First, determine licensing details
- open arcgis pro > settings > licensing > note whether you are Basic/Standard/Advanced
- open arcgis pro > settings > licensing > configure you licensing options > note whether your License Type is set to single use, named user, or concurrent use
if Level = Advanced and Type = Concurrent Use License, follow these instructions for a fix:
launch arcgis pro > settings > licensing > configure you licensing options > check box for spatial analyst
if Level = Basic and Type = Named User, follow these instructions
- settings > licensing > configure you licensing options > set license type to “concurrent use” > set license level to to Advanced > arcgis pro will hopefully reboot
- open arcgis pro (it should have started automatically) > settings > licensing > configure you licensing options > set license type to “named user license”
- use these instructions for login
ArcGIS Pro (UFApps)
launch ArcGIS Pro from UFApps > settings > licensing > configure you licensing options > check box for spatial analyst
Do the following in both ArcMap and ArcCatalog: tools > extensions > make sure spatial analyst box is checked. If the check boxes for spatial analyst are not present, then you need to do the following: Acquire the source ArcGIS software and put DVD into your computer > navigate to windows control panel > Add or Remove Programs > click the ArcGIS Desktop “Change/Remove” button > follow instructions to add spatial analyst extension > then do the following in both ArcMap and ArcCatalog: tools > extensions > make sure spatial analyst box is checked.