QAQC Script Tools for ArcGIS Pro

This post was written GeoPlan student employee Yuliang Huang.

For a long time, Python script tools have been in use at GeoPlan to assist in automating repetitive tasks in the QAQC process. These tools worked well, but they were written for the older version of ArcGIS in Python 2. Now, Python is moving in a new direction to Python 3. Despite both being part of the same programming language, Python 2 code cannot directly be translated into Python 3 and requires manual updating.

GeoPlan student employees Yuliang Huang and Adrian Santiago have been working on developing modernized QAQC tools for ArcGIS Pro written in Python 3 since December 2022. Now, after 7 months, many of the old script tools are ready to be used in ArcGIS Pro, including tools to compare existing and updated layers, and to verify the consistency of projection and metadata.

New features have also been added, including the ability to output tool reports to PDF and perform a comparison to see what direction (if any) there has been an overall shift in the data.